There is nothing so bad that you will not find a Capitalist or one of his henchmen doing it; but you will never find a Capitalist in the wrong. He does everything on principle. He gets us to fight and pay for his wars on patriotic principles. He claims his prerogative to rob us on business principles. And as his manifest destiny he enslaves the world on imperial principles. [My paraphrase of G.B. Shaw, in "The Man of Destiny".]

March 12, 2006
In This Issue


About the Cover Pic
A poster for the Bush regime's New World Order. If you think it looks like something from the Third Reich, you're right.
Featured Essay
The London hit play My Name Is Rachel Corrie gets nixed in NY by Israeli agents and Bush is AWOL when it comes to defending the Bill of Rights.
Featured Graphic
Devotees of Shiva in India create a remarkable likeness in sand.
Political Cartoon
Diplomacy as war by other means: A hypothetical conversation between two foreign ministers.
Worth Reading
Asking the unanswerable question: Why did the US destroy Iraq?