![]() Friday, October 11, 2019
Excerpt from the live streamed video of January 23, 2018 Council on Foreign Relations meeting in which Biden brags about how he, as U.S. vice president, got a Ukrainian Federal Prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee to the Ukrainian government.
Note: Biden continuously mispronounces Kiev as Keev. |
he Interfax press agency reported on a press conference held in Kiev by Verkhovna Rada member Andriy Derkach on Wednesday (Oct. 9, 2019). According to the Interfax summary, Derkach made public Ukrainian official investigative documents which showed that Biden and his son were both financial beneficiaries of their relationship with Burisma Holdings. Biden Sr. was paid $900,000 for "lobbying" services. This lends further credence to the theory that the "impeachement investigation" is merely a propaganda tactic to divert attention from the Biden-Burisma incident and the larger context of US foreign policy corruption within which it occurred. An interesting question is, did this whole thing blow up because of Biden Sr.'s indiscretion at the Council on Foreign Relations 1/23/18 meeting to kick off the January/February 2018 issue of Foreign Affairs? The YouTube intro to the video of the meeting is: Coauthors Joe Biden and Michael Carpenter discuss the article, “How to Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies,” which appears in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to people like Biden, the only three places left on Earth where that article title wouldn't evoke laughter is at West Point, NY, Langley, VA, and the NY Times. Yesterday, The Saker published an essay lamenting the lack of Russian responses to multiple U.S. provocations, which leads one to wonder, is the exposure of the Biden-Burisma affair the result of a Russian psy-ops response to U.S. provocations? |