Mike McConnell, Director of National
Intelligence and former senior V.P. of Booz Allen Hamilton,
Inc., (NASDAQ: BOOZAH) taking the oath before testifying
before the Editorial Board of the New York Times, Inc.
After clearing up the misunderstanding about whether
shilling for war criminals is itself a war crime, Mike
informed the editors of a new secret weapon in the War On
Terror: Feminine Despair Enhancement and Audiometric
Devolution (FDEAD). The new weapon, known to insiders as
"dead female," is an impressive innovation developed by Mike's
former employer and is the result of a multi-billion dollar
defense research project.
Mike cited this as an outstanding, but not untypical
example of the fruitful collaboration between government and
free enterprise solving the world's problems.
Eschewing the advanced science which underlies the new
weapon, Mike said it was the result of a fortuitous synergism
between a newly discovered remote brain wave detector and the
discovery by scientists in the new field of social
anthropology working at the Guantanamo Humane Conservancy
Center that terrorists generate greater than normal brain wave
The precise cause of this excess brain wave intensity is
still under investigation, but those closest to the research
speculate that it is caused by the subject's hatred of our
democratic institutions. Support for this hypothesis comes
from a recent scan of a session of the US Congress, a zone of
high concentration of love of our democratic institutions,
which showed up as a black hole of brain wave activity.
Combining these discoveries with NASA's planetary mapping
technology has enabled the CIA to map concentrations of
terrorists. The icing on the cake came from the new field of
Despite initial skepticism, the psychosonic scientists were
able to demonstrate that playing the US national anthem at
1776 decibels on volunteer subjects created an irresistible
urge toward self-destruction that was unique to non-American
Mike's own modest contribution to FDEAD was the realization
that without females, the terrorist community would become
extinct within the half-life of the Petraeus-McCain Surge.
Responding to a question about possible concerns from the feminist
community, Mike said this was not an issue because the FDEAD
program is managed by the CIA's Directorate
of Science and Technology which is headed by Stephanie L.